Sponsor UQCS
Work with us to help your organisation

Bronze sponsorship is the easiest and most affordable way to advertise your name and brand to UQ's computing students and staff. With the bronze package, your branding will feature on UQCS's website, as well as on the banners present at all of our events. You also have the ability to promote your internal programs such as internships and graduate jobs to UQCS's vast network, as well as featuring on our podcast, The Router.
Silver sponsorship offers a more direct and in-depth path to communicate with UQ's computing members. The silver package offers more prominent branding and promotional opportunities to the bronze package. In addition to this, silver sponsors have the ability to send representatives to our technology panels, mock interviews and industry networking events.
Gold is the most exclusive level, with the benefits of Bronze and Silver tier sponsorships, plus more. You also have the opportunity to participate in a dedicated event hosted by UQCS as well as invitation to our networking events, an invitation to the annual industry panel, first-hand access to UQCS's media channels, in addition to having the most prominent branding.